Walebing / Wubin Road Upgrades
Current status - Work commenced in November 2019
CK Maloney are proud to announce they will be beginning works with the contract awarded to Central Earthmoving Pty Ltd, with construction scheduled to be completed in mid-2020.
Works include:
Construction of four km of new highway through Walebing (the existing highway will be repurposed as local access roads)
Upgrade of intersections with Midlands Road and Old Geraldton Road
Upgrade to the Great Northern Highway intersection in Wubin to allow future southern access for 53.5 m road trains, access to local facilities and the Road Train Assembly Area
The new highway through Walebing will have an improved alignment replacing the existing tight low-speed curve and making that section safer and easier.
In Wubin, widening works at the intersection with Mullewa-Wubin Road and upgrades around the Road Train Assembly area will improve access for heavy vehicles.

Walebing Upgrade

Walebing Map - April 2018

Great Nortern Highway Muchea to Wubin Map

Walebing Upgrade