Swancare Bentley
“This 124-suite new facility is indeed a unique project involving extensive research and design to ensure the complex care needs of aged care and dementia are satisfied, whilst ensuring future adaptability,” SwanCare CEO Graham Francis said.
“SwanCare identified a need for some larger rooms that might be occupied by singles, couples, siblings, where one or both may have a federally funded aged care package.
“The facility offers choice and provides an environment that caters to keeping people together in the latter part of their life and brings a new dimension to our integrated care model.”
The central design concept aims to offer spaces with familiar components, mimicking the outside world, utilising the analogy of a home, a street, a neighbourhood, a village and a town.
The circulation layout is simple, designed around an active central courtyard with few ‘decision points’, reducing possibilities for confusion, and encouraging daylight and natural ventilation.
Taking a whole-of-building approach to dementia care, rooms are clustered into groups of eight to ten, sharing dining, living and kitchenette areas and a protected winter garden allowing access to the outdoors.
The accommodation cluster is serviced by a back of house area aligned to the vertical transport core housing the staff hub, trolleys, stores and clean and dirty utilities areas. Decorative screens allow staff to maintain visual connection with the residents without compromising the home-like quality and privacy of the spaces.
The facility includes a commercial kitchen, laundry and basement parking; flexible bedroom layouts including rooms for couples; palliative care rooms; an allied health services hub; a refurbished café; and multiple landscaped external spaces.
The building draws on passive solar design principles and offers water-sensitive landscaped areas separating the resident accommodation.
Consideration has also been given to future connections to SwanCare’s proposed Centre of Health and Wellness on the western corner, which will appeal to the next generation of care residents.
“Our research leading into this project revealed a real need emerging in our ageing population,” Mr Francis said.
“We are proud to be at the forefront of the provision of aged care facilities in Perth, reflecting the requirements of our community.
“As a not-for-profit organisation, it is important we redevelop the site for both current and future generations of seniors in a sustainable manner and this new facility has been designed to cater for these markets.”